USO No Dough Dinner - Evergreen, CO

By USO Denver (other events)

Tuesday, February 18 2020 6:00 PM 7:30 PM MDT

Take a night off from kitchen duty and make new friends, all while enjoying a healthy dinner provided by the volunteers and staff of USO Denver! Thank you to the Colorado Elks for hosting each event at Lodges across the Denver Metro area.

USO No Dough Dinners provide a free meal once a month for local service members and their families. It is a unique and uplifting opportunity to connect the local community and bring together friends and neighbors in a casual, family-friendly, environment. These events are open to all military members and their families spanning all branches of the military, including our foreign alllies, who are currently serving (active duty, National Guard and reserve component).

Please register so we know you're coming!